I see you there, my Dear, I have observed,
I watched, I listened, also analyzed, I know your quirks, both blatant and reserved, And through it all, I loved and sympathized, I see your plight, I fought that front-line war, The back, the forth, the struggle for control, The fruitless tree takes all and drains your store, Then leaves you stranded bare on sandy shoal, You asked me for advice, so here I go, Take stock of what is real, and count it twice, Let go what helps you not; excess cargo, Is what you cannot take… at any price, My Dear, ‘tis dark today but could be worse, Please find your freedom here in simple verse. - Scott Alexander McKenzie
My Love, these covers are so soft and warm,
So too your flannel jammies ‘gainst my skin, Let’s hide out here and shelter from this storm, Says he, first ser’ous, then with knowing grin, Stay here in bed with me and let’s pretend, The world is gone and now it’s down to we, As last two living souls in this godsend, You be Eve and I’ll be ‘neath fig tree, With fervent dedication, we’ll begin, In earnest on this monumental call, ‘Tis journey of a thousand steps therein, Here’s one; let’s try five more before nightfall, Me and you, my Dear, let’s always be, E’er in love’s embrace; please stay with me. - Scott Alexander McKenzie Of all my wishes, the most ardent one,
Is: Could I please escape His rightful laws, Just once, with clear permission from His Son, In service of a just and noble cause? For if I could, I’d travel back in time, And find you, Dear, in that precar’ous state, I'd seek that troubled girl in glor’ous prime, And intervene before she changed her fate, I’d take her hand and ask her for her trust, Convince her that she’s making a mistake, I’d pull her free, we’d run like brill’ant gust, To peaceful spot aside some tranquil lake, Alone, I’d tell her all about today, I’d hug you, Dear, and tell you it’s okay. - Scott Alexander McKenzie The journey began when son became man,
And daughter had found her own way, Dust had befallen that old frying pan, Sad pall of sad mother’s d’pressing dismay, What’s this? No hand wave ‘mid confetti rain, No chest leaning sprint through finish line tape, Just dark denouement through chaotic pain, That cannot be dulled by Chardonnay grape? She set on grand quest to find her reward, Golden object for years she’d been earning, ‘Twas stunning surprise, the more she explored, With each step ‘long this journey she’s learning, No endings exist; she could wander the Earth, Just freedom, beginnings, and hope of rebirth. - Scott Alexander McKenzie |